Saturday, December 12, 2015

First Semester of College

My first semester of college just ended. I got two 4.0s and passed my anatomy class that I thought I would fail for sure. Right now, I'm in the process of finding a new job, awaiting my nursing entrance examination, and of course, making tonssss of Christmas gifts!!! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

One Happy Girlfriend

 This post doesn't necessarily relate to foster care, but it is something that I wanted to share with the wonderful people who will someday read my posts. My boyfriend is wonderful. He is kind, patient, and so loving. He is going to be a great husband and father someday.

Last night, he came home and told me that he wanted to become more committed to his relationship with God. We talked for quite some time about this and it was wonderful. He was raised in a Christian household. My parents have never pushed any certain beliefs on me or my younger brother. They have always supported our decisions, however. I am grateful that I was able to build my relationship with God and find Christianity on my own, but plan to raise my children with a strong belief system and help foster a beautiful relationship with God. My boyfriend was hesitant about telling me about all the changes he felt he needed to make to strengthen his relationship with God and live in a way that would appease Him. I don't think he was in any way afraid that I  would judge him; he just thought it would be a lot to throw at me at once. It wasn't. I'm extremely glad that he is passionate about the changes he is going to make. I am so blessed to be able to call him my best friend and soulmate.

Update on everything in the previous post: I take my nursing entrance exam on December 16th! I am very excited and hoping and praying for the best.(: I have not done my orientation yet, but will start hopefully as soon as this semester of school is over. My nursing classes don't start until June (I think; it might be July), so I have quite some time to solely focus on orientation and such.(: 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Beginning of a Beautiful Journey

I feel like the first post to my blog should tell a little about myself before I go into the contents of my blog. So, here goes.(:

I am a very independent 18 year old, residing in the beautiful state of Michigan. I am a daughter of Christ. I am going to college at the moment and will be there for the next four or five years. I am going to be a nurse practitioner and intend on specializing in obstetrics and neonatal intensive care. I take my nursing entrance exam in the winter (wish me luck!!). I have always loved kids and want my own, but don't intend on trying until I am out of college or at least have my bachelor's degree.

I hadn't ever considered foster parenting until a close relative was asked to foster. I have since then come to realize that I have a strong desire to protect children that don't have an active parent present. I know I have more than enough love to foster parent a child and can offer them all the support they need.

Today, I went to the DHS in my college's hometown and picked up an information packet. It basically just told me everything I already discovered through research and foster care blogs, but it was the first step in what I am sure will be a completely life changing journey. I couldn't be more excited. I have to call soon and schedule an orientation. From there, I will undergo a home study and classes, then, hopefully, placement.(: